Insomnia Diary by Bob Hicok
This book is filled with amusing poems about being an ordinary human. The humor adds a nice depth to the observations in the poem. The narrator of the poems lives in a very normal, middle-class working environment. This is a fun read. Buy here.
From the opening poem, "Bottom of the ocean"
At least once you should live with someone / more medicated than yourself. A tall man, / he closed his eyes before he spoke, / stocked groceries at night and heard voices. / We were eating cereal the first time, / Cream of Wheat. He said that she said / we're all out of evers without explaining / who she was or how many evers we had / to begin with or where they were kept.
From "Bars poetica"
. . . The Big Bang / sounds like what it was, the fucking / that got everything under way. / That love was there from the start / is all I've been trying to say.
From "Meteor shower"
Water's got fresh skin / but crack it pen and there's filth, / the sundry goos we've given away / coming home to lick us. / To get clean you need something / out of this world. But what sadness / pushes stars to suicide?