Daughter, Daedalus by Alison D. Moncrief Bromage

This book won the T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry in 2016, and it's well-deserved!  The Greek inventor of myth Daedalus resurfaces intermixed with images of infertility and pregnancy.  Surprising and wonderful!  Buy here.


From "Firsts Born":

Families are trundling out of me like monsters. / The firsts born of Gaia were fifty headed and one hundred handed, / there were uglier one-eyed brutes after. / In my dreams, my babies are crook-armed . . .


From "Daughter, Daedalus will make for you":

Daedalus will make for you your inner ear / in the shape of a bony labyrinth.


From "Day One":

The night does not fall / but rises. / It is the day who falls . . .

Danielle Hanson